Monday, September 23, 2013

ASSIGNMENT: The Directors

The Directors:
What:               You will explore and research the backgrounds and influences of this diverse group of filmmakers.  After doing so, you will type/print the following:
                        Name; time of life; one paragraph on his personal background; one paragraph on education/training; one paragraph on how he influenced later films/filmmakers; listing of significant films (5+) and date made.  Finally, bibliographical listing of sources (3+) using MLA format.

Where:             You will have each Director Bio located within your portfolio/journal.  Each will be dated and titled in order (Starting with Chaplin and ending with Spielberg)

When/Who:      Below is a listing of directors that you will research and the date of the assignment.

Due:                Assigned on the WEEK OF date.  Due the first day of the following week.
Italics indicates director assignments that have been turned in.
Bold Face indicates director of the week.

Week Of:            Director:
9/1                         Charlie Chaplin
9/9                         Carl Dreyer
9/16                       Sergei Eisenstein
9/23                       Robert Wiene
9/30                       Fritz Lang
10/7                       Jean Renoir
10/14                     John Ford
10/21                     Orson Welles
10/28                     Ingmar Bergman
11/4                       Federico Fellini
11/18                     Alfred Hitchcock
11/25                     Jean-Luc Godard
12/2                       Francois Truffaut

Break:  Due to Oral Presentation preparation, we will take a break from the director assignments
                             Akira Kurosawa
                             Sergio Leone
                             Stanley Kubrick
                             Martin Scorsese
                             Francis Ford Coppola
                             Woody Allen
                             Steven Spielberg

(Director Name): (time of life)   (Assign. Date)

Personal Background:              TEXT………………(all indented)

Education/Training:                   TEXT………………(all indented)

Influence on Industry:              TEXT……………..(all indented)

Significant Films:          1              (Date)
                                       2              (Date)
                                       3              (Date)
                                       4              (Date)
                                       5              (Date)

Bibliography:                 1

1 comment:

  1. Format looks good. Very pleased with your current work, Schizz. Keep up the good job. Proud of u.
