Thursday, April 24, 2014

Short Film Projects

Juniors:  We will continue to shoot the single shot sequences. 

Due Monday:          Continue shooting of single shots.  Actual shoot (if time).

Due Wednesday:     Power Point of shot sequence that includes the following:

Photo of shot                                

Photo of slate (1/4 size of shot)

Shot info (scene, shot type, etc)

Camera info (shutter speed, aperture, ISO, lens type, lens focal point in mm)

Seniors:  We will start shooting films on Friday and will continue on Tuesday.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

ALL JUNIORS: Producing the Screenplays

This week both 4th and 5th period juniors need to do the following:

WATCH THIS VIDEO and take notes.  You will be responsible for the content.

Finalize your scripts by making adjustments associated with the aforementioned video.

Using the three act guideline handout, fill it out according to your plot.

Print out all production forms on the blog.  Also print a copy of the Portfolio: Markband Descriptors

Prepare to present a one minute pitch to your class.  This will be graded.

If you don't know how to make a pitch:  Read: How to Pitch a Screenplay and Watch This Video and Follow the Format!  Finally, read the Do's and Dont's of Pitching (bottom of page)

Your paperwork (one page, typed, 12pt, courier) will include:  Name, title, genre, log line, setting, three act statements, ending, and theme/idea.

Then, on Wednesday, after the pitches are done, your classmates will vote on which screenplays will be produced.

Team selections will follow.  Once teams are selected, screenwriters will add their team members to their Celtx project.  A contact sheet will be created for each team member.

Know what each job is and its responsibilities.

Know what the major points of directing are.

Friday will involve work assignments, scouting locations, shooting schedule, equipment needs and other pre-production needs.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Seniors: Update With Due Dates!

Due to IB submission deadlines our due dates are as follows:

April 8th     Final Portfolio due
April 10th   Schiessl's projected grades submitted to IB
April 10th   Films burned and delivered to Bradshaw
April 15th   Oral Presentation and Independent Study submitted

Therefore, the cover sheets will need to be completed and turned in on April 8th.

By Friday April 4th you need to email Mr. Schiessl with the request for the cover sheet forms (for all three assessments).

An email will be sent with file attachments and with the following instructions:

Print the cover sheet.  You can either hand write or type out the info requested.

Look at the exemplar (sample A).

Make sure you look over the Clerical Issue document as well as the Production Overview document and Checklist PDF.  These will ensure that you have everything included in your documentation.

Once finished with your documentation, compare your portfolio with the exemplar.  You can also go to the IBO website and look at the last HL portfolio exemplar (50/50).  That should give you an indication of what is needed to have an excellent product for both the internal (mine) and external (IB) assessments.

Friday's class will involve cover sheet submissions and candidate slates (5 second slide with name, candidate #, etc.).

Good luck!