Throughout your production, you will need to fill out some forms to document what you are doing. These forms will help each of the job positions articulate what they did during the shoot as well as help the editor make sense of the the footage as you head into post-production.
Below are some
links (in brown bold) to the production forms that you will need while producing your films:
You need to continually write in your journal based on what you are planning and/or what you just finished executing when on location.
Contact List
This is a form that you will need to make so that you can contact anyone associated with your production. This will include the cast and crew's name, phone, email, and other contact info so that you can get a hold of them and they can contact you.
Equipment Received
This is a form that you will need to complete and turn in to me before you check out any equipment. You will need to list what you are checking out and using on your shoots. This will also serve as a log of equipment so you can document that information in your portfolio.
Storyboard Template (6 frame)
This is a good template that has a frame in which to do your illustration and below it you can document the shot, action, movement etc.
Storyboard Template (3 frame)
This is another good template that has three frames instead of six frames per paper.
Storyboard Template: SOUND
This is a template for sound notes (mostly for director and sound designer).
Camera Shot List
This is a form that will break down every shot that you intend to make when shooting. The information on this form will coincide with your shooting script and your storyboards (all will have the same info regarding scene, shot, etc). Once you complete this shot list, you can start identifying how you are going to schedule your shoot (see Shooting Schedule for more information).
Shooting Schedule
This form will document what scenes will be shot in what order, location, time, cast members, special equipment, etc. This will take the information that your shot list has, and give these scenes a particular order in which they will be shot. For instance, if you have three scenes in a kitchen that occur throughout the film, you may want to shoot all of those scenes at one time. That way you are maximizing your time with camera setups, actors, or even the time allowed for your particular location.
Digital Camera Report
This form
will be closely related to your shot list. It will identify what scene is being shot and what was set up for each take (and additional notes based on each take)
Digital Camera Log
This form documents how the camera is set up for each scene. This includes lens type, f-stop (aperture), FPS settings, ISO, etc.
Equipment Returned
This form will document what equipment you have returned after your shoot. This form will protect you from any situation where something has gone missing between you returning your equipment and someone else checking the equipment.
Location Permission Form
This form will need to be used if you need to shoot on a location other than your own property or school property (during class hours).
Camera and Equipment Shooting Checklist
This is a good checklist to ensure that you have covered everything leading up through your shot setup:
Nearly all of these forms come from the following website:
This site has lots of forms (in Word and PDF formats), links, apps and additional information about the process of shooting films. It is worth navigating through to see what the site has to offer.
One more thing: If you want to see an collegiate example of a similar production paperwork setup, check this out:
EXAMPLE: UNC School of Film: Sample Production Packet